Important Technical SEO Interview Questions

Important SEO technical interview questions

In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), the use of technical SEO is important for making sure a website is both search engine-friendly and professionally structured. Technical SEO includes site speed, mobile friendliness, URL structure, indexing, structured data markup, and more. 

This guide is intended for both recruiters and applicants who are gearing up for a technical SEO role to evaluate and improve their knowledge of technical SEO. It includes a thoughtfully chosen collection of important interview questions and answers.

The list that follows contains important technical SEO interview questions:

1) How do you analyze web analytics to evaluate the performance of SEO?

The following are ways to use web analytics to analyze SEO performance:

  • Monitor Organic Traffic
  • Analyse Keyword Performance
  • Analyse dwell time and bounce rate
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Backlink profile
  • Website traffic analysis
  • Site speed

2) What differentiates on-page SEO from off-page SEO?

On-page SEO:

  • Internal website optimization to improve search engine ranks.
  • Alterations and improvements were made to the website itself.
  • Integrating keywords organically into the content’s title tags, headers, and meta descriptions.
  • Entirely controlled by developers and owners’ control.

Off-page SEO:

  • Techniques to increase website visibility outside of the website.
  • External activities take place, not on the official website.
  • Using social media platforms to promote information will boost visibility and traffic.
  • Getting mentioned online can have an indirect effect on the authority and search engine rankings of your website.

3) What steps are involved in a technical SEO audit?

A technical SEO audit is a technique that examines a website’s technical features related to search engine optimization. Here are some of the steps involved: 

  • Crawl the Website
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Site Speed
  • Mobile-Friendliness
  • Duplicate Content
  • Evaluate Security
  • Structured Data
  • Analyse Backlinks

4) Explain the process of web crawling.

In web crawling, search engines use automated bots to explore and retrieve web pages from the internet. The procedure begins with the bots viewing a list of URLs, from which they extract information and links to additional pages by analyzing the content of these pages. This information is kept in a search engine’s database after being indexed. 

5) How Can You Determine Whether a URL Is Included in Google’s Index?

  • Use the “site:” search operator in Google to find out if a URL is part of the index.
  • Example: Put’ page into the search field.
  • It has been indexed if the URL shows up in the search results. 
  • As an alternative, you can look for indexing status and coverage reports using Google Search Console.

6) How does site speed impact search engine optimisation?

  • Reduced search engine rankings and higher bounce rates can be caused by slower loading times. 
  • User experience and engagement are impacted by site performance, and this affects SEO. 
  • Faster websites typically function better, which is why search engines prefer them.

7) What are the methods used to reduce a website’s page load time?

Here are some of the methods to reduce a website’s page load time:

  • Optimise Images
  • Enable Browser Caching
  • Reduce redirects
  • Optimize CSS delivery
  • Minify resources

8) List a few important Google ranking elements.

  • Content Quality
  • Backlinks
  • Page Speed
  • Mobile-Friendliness
  • On-Page Optimization

9) What are the essential tools for technical SEO, and how are they used?

The tools listed below are essential for technical SEO:

  • Google Search Console: Provides data on risk factors, monitors search engine volume, detects issues with indexing, and tracks website traffic in Google search.
  • Google Analytics: Analyses how SEO affects user interaction and website speed by tracking user behavior, conversion metrics, traffic sources, and site performance.
  • Google Pagespeed Insights: Evaluates the speed at which pages load and offers guidelines to enhance website performance.
  • SEMRush: Performs site audits, competitive analyses, and keyword research to assist in finding technical problems and possible solutions.
  • Ahrefs: Examines link profiles and SEO prospects through competitive analysis, monitoring keyword rankings, analyzing backlinks, and auditing the condition of the website.

10) How does content marketing help with search engine optimization?

An essential component of off-page SEO, it raises a website’s ranking and enhances its quality. Content marketing can boost search engine optimization efforts in several ways:

  • Optimization of Keywords: Quality content optimized with relevant keywords helps search engines comprehend and classify your pages more effectively.
  • Increased Organic Traffic: Increased organic traffic demonstrates to search engines that the website is worth it, which could improve rankings.
  • Enhanced User Experience: By responding to users’ needs and queries, appropriate and interesting information enhances the user experience overall.
  • Quality Backlinks: Backlinks, which indicate to search engines that the content is reliable, are drawn to valuable content.
  • Freshness of Content: Creating new content will keep the readers engaged and potentially maintain and improve your position on the web.


The questions listed above in this guide act as a foundation for evaluating the candidate and staying updated for an interview. A solid understanding of technical SEO is fundamental for an effective digital marketing strategy because it improves a website’s performance and visibility while also improving the user experience in general. Blazon in Coimbatore is an expert in providing all-inclusive digital marketing services We optimize your online presence by utilizing our extensive knowledge of technical SEO.

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